Diverse Game Developers Fund at Indie Game Business
A few days ago, on Thursday March 4th, I’ve joined a session about the Diverse Game Developers Fund (started by IGDA Foundation and supported by the Grant for the Web program) at the Indie Game Business online conference.
IGDA Foundation was awarded a grant from the Grant for the Web program to create a Diverse Game Developers Fund that will support underrepresented developers around the world while they create Web Monetized game prototypes.
The fund will offer up to $25k each to build a game prototype that explores earning revenue from Web Monetization. There’s also an academic scholarship that will offer up to $5k each for students to work on the game related projects. The steering committee will evaluate all the proposals, but also offer their help and knowledge throughout the whole program - the deadline for submitting is March 15th.
I was invited to the Indie Game Business session by Nika Nour and Sarah Spiers both from the IGDA Foundation to support them in explaining the technical details of the Web Monetization API while they were talking about the fund itself - the video can be watched here.
I’m happy I joined - we already did a few events together with IGDA Foundation around Web Monetization, and I hope we’ll continue our collaboration. I’d love to see more games implementing Web Monetization since I’m a huge fan of the technology, and this fund is a great opportunity, so if you do meet the requirements, please send your proposal!