Report on the current state of Web Game Development in 2024 is out!

Andrzej Mazur
2 min readJan 29, 2025


The results of the Gamedev.js Survey 2024 that was conducted last month, at the end of 2024, were finally published! We’ve received a total of 620 filled surveys, which is an all-time record another year in a row.

Your help shaped the questions and answers again, with many being updated and a few new being introduced. We’ve ended up with 40 questions total, and so many individuals spent their time filling such a lenghty form, which is really impressive.

Web game developers still struggle with earning money, as shown in the chart below:

Majority of people (58,2%) are not earning anything out of game development at all, with 17,7% earning less than $1000 a year (both add up to ~75%). The rest of the answers were spread more or less evenly, with $100k+ ending up with only 2,8%.

Surprisingly enough, the overall happiness is even higher than the last year:

It’s great to see 85,3% of all the 607 answers being positive about their happines and answering between 6 and 10, with more than half being at 8–10 range. The happiest are 105 people (17,3%), while the most popular answer was 8 (25,2%), and only 2 people (0,3%) answered with 1 (if you did, please get in touch — we’d like to help!). The sentiment here compared to last year is up by a few percent for the happiest answers (9–10) and the below average ones (3–4) though, both coming from 7 (down from 24,5% to 17,6% this year).

It’s worth exploring all the questions and their answers in the Survey, as it gives a good overview on the Web Game Development community. Popular game engines, technologies, current trends — with the fourth yearly report we can trace the sentiment pretty well already.

Check out the Gamedev.js Survey 2024 page, download the Report in a pdf format, and make sure to dig through the detailed results published on GitHub — there’s a lot of information there, all thanks to the invaluable support from OP Guild, this year’s partner.

Remember that you are free to use any data listed in the report, but please give credit and link to the original source when using it, thank you!



Andrzej Mazur
Andrzej Mazur

Written by Andrzej Mazur

HTML5 Game Developer, Enclave Games indie studio founder, js13kGames competition creator and Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter publisher.

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